Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Bahasa Inggris 2

How To Be A Good CEO 

    CEO (Chief  Executive Officer) is the highest ranking corporate officer (executive) or administrator in charge of total management of an organization. An individual appointed as a CEO of a corporation, company, organization or agency typically reports to the board of director. In British English, terms often used as synonyms for CEO include managing director (MD) and chief executive (CE).

       Being at the top of the pyramid, a great CEO must be able to clearly communicate the vision of the company in order to inspire staff, investors and customers. As the company flag-bearer, all eyes turn to the CEO for direction and example. And here are ways to be a good ceo :

Have a good leadership

Role model, to earn respect, it’s important to show that you know your stuff. People will respect and listen to you if they know you are knowledgeable in your field. Discuss your experience, without showing off, let your employees understand how long you’ve been in the business and what you have achieved while you were there.

Be clear about your rules and expectations

Whether you’re the CEO of a company or the manager of a team of four people, it’s important to make your expectations crystal clear from the beginning.  And  If you're working on a project, your goals and expectations should be clear from the beginning so your employees are motivated, not confused. It is preferable to have your goals down in written form.

Straight to the time management

Prepare yourself first, by taking 30 minutes of your time to fix yourself something to eat and relax. Then make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish. But before you can manage your time you need to know what it is you must manage. A list of tasks, from the mundane to the critical will help you get a handle on what needs to get done. And Sleep for 7-9 hours every night. Getting the proper amount of sleep will help keep you alert and energetic, able to think clearly, and function at a high level.

Have a good plan for future

Many of these future roles might overlap with the roles you have right now. These roles are the nouns you would want to use to describe yourself at the end of your life. Consider the roles you are playing right now. Are any of them unnecessarily stressing you out. If so, that role might not be one that needs to continue through your life. Prioritize these roles from most important to least important. This exercise will help you to determine what you really value in life and what is most important to you.

Develop a foundation of streght

No company or CEO is successful without a strong management team, each member must be a leader that knows and is accountable for his/her job responsibilities (and does not try to do the work of other team members). Quality managers in turn, know how to mentor and acknowledge the accomplishments of their own staffs in order to keep them motivated, involved and on track to meet the business goals of the company.

Be the chief strategy officer

Take charge of the direction and long term goals of your organization. Develop the ability to see the future, to think 4 steps ahead of your competition. Make sure that you and the rest of the organization become obsessed with the “one thing” that will make your company untouchable. Make it your business to be a ruthless executioner. It’s about competitive leadership, not competitive advantage.

Customers are at the core

Successful CEO look beyond their raw technology and focus on finding ways to help customers solve their problems. They describe their products in terms of how they address the needs and challenges of their customer’s instead of listing product capabilities. Great CEO’s use their own customers’ words and verbiage, through weekly meetings with customers, CEOs have an endless supply of anecdotal situations to share with stakeholders that help create a better product and a more thorough understanding of the customer requirements for a successful business relationship.

Sense of  humor

If your website crashes, you lose that major client, or your funding dries up, guiding your team through the process without panicking is as challenging as it is important. Morale is linked to productivity, and it’s your job as the team leader to in still a positive energy. That’s where your sense of humor will finally pay off. Encourage your team to laugh at the mistakes instead of crying. If you are constantly learning to find the humor in the struggles, your work environment will become a happy and healthy space, where your employees look forward to working in, rather than dreading it. Make it a point to crack jokes with your team and encourage personal discussions of weekend plans and trips. It’s these short breaks from the task at hand that help keep productivity levels high and morale even higher.

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